Users of our Community forum will know that we have a popular Ideas section, where you can suggest and vote for new features.

We’ve recently launching a new initiative to back a project, where we’re crowdfunding your ideas for Clear Books to bring them to life faster. If there’s a feature you want to back then you and your fellow Clear Books customers can pledge to support the idea.


Many of you have previously used our Custom Accelerated Development service, where you can individually fund a feature you would like to see prioritised. We hope the crowdfunding method will allow us to offer a version of this that sees the most popular features pushed through by all the customers that want to benefit.

Take a look at our Community forum today and start backing your favourite feature ideas!

Posted by Darren Taylor

Darren is a Marketing Manager specialising in Digital Marketing

One Comment

  1. Hi Matt,

    I am sorry that at times we’ve not been good enough at setting expectations on new development ideas and Stripe is an example of that.

    We have an internal push at the moment to improve core features that everyone uses rather than creating new ones. That puts a lot of ideas on hold.

    Because of this we came up with the concept of crowdfunding R&D as a way to keep pushing ahead with the ideas our customers put forward but retain the resources to finish the task at hand i.e. improving the user experience and time saving capability of the existing system. Note this approach is an experiment and we need to see if there is demand.

    In terms of the mobile app, we are on the case. We’ve recently created a very simple native ios application and by the end of this week we should have the same app but using the ionic framework. We will compare and contrast the time, cost and pros and cons of each to make a technology choice about how we approach our mobile app strategy.

    At the moment this new app is very basic and simply logs in and lets you view invoices. The key point is we are taking mobile seriously and we want to provide something that just works well.

    Thanks for sharing your feedback.


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